The next step of getting a tattoo, is deciding what you want, right? I'm there too! I know what I want!
I want to get a tattoo that means something, like everyone else. My rationle in getting a tattoo was: what is as permanent as tattoo, that I would want to be on my body for the rest of my breathing life? and i thought, i know! MY SISTERS.
I knew I wanted a tattoo that symbolizes me and my sisters, but I just couldn't find a tattoo that I wanted to get, and found nothing in the net!
Then my friend Diana gave it to me, a great idea that I'm so sure of! 4 paper string dolls!
This blog is open to anyone who has time to design and is good at designing, please design me a tattoo with 4 paper string dolls! I have no idea how I want it to look like, but i want it small, cute, and compact. Maybe around 4-5" long and 1.5" high so I guess I don't want too much details onto the face. It can be colored or black and white. Erm...The winner gets his/her artwork tattooed onto my skin! :D It may start a tattoo design career for you! hehe or we'll work something out?!
I don't know what I'm supposed to share to you about me and my sisters for you to be able to design, but we're VERY CLOSE and we're each other's best friends, and when we're together, it feels like we don't need anything or anyone else. haha We're from the Philippines with proud Chinese roots. I don't know whatelse to say but just please leave me a message if you got anymore questions!
Thanks so much in advance!!