Friday, April 3, 2009

2009 is MY year!

I have long waited for MY year to come. It has been mediocre up until Mabuhay Guides. I have been looking for something that would change me big time. I always want change. As I quote my sister, “embrace randomness.”

Now that I have finally graduated I cannot help but feel giddy about the following days to come and the revolution that will sweep my life. I feel really blessed and lucky to have been chosen to be one of the 21 Mabuhay Guides pioneer. In 2008, I didn’t have a plan in my life and just sort of went with the flow. In January, I had already planned for my birthday in June! But this year, it’s already almost April, and I still don’t have a plan for it, because I don’t even know what I’m gonna do next week, more so on my birthday which is 2 months away! And I love it!

I enjoy not knowing what will happen (not that I knew before), it’s more like I know things are lined up for me, and yet I don’t know what they are, contrary to just not knowing what to do, right? Doors and windows of opportunity keep opening up and it feels amazing. I am so excited for the things that I want to do and the things that I CAN do. My older sisters always tell me I’m lucky that I’m still young, and I agree. I know that I act more mature than people of the same age, sometimes I feel like I’m 35 (in a good way), so when I realize I’m just turning 26 this coming June, I feel like I’m 9 years wiser.

I am slowly exploring the world. I was listening to the radio last night and the discussion was about inspiration, “what inspires you?” I contemplated on my answer to that question and I think the answer is “the future.” Whatever that lies in the future excites and inspires me. There are so many places I can go to and so many things I want to do; I haven’t even been around the Philippines yet! I’ve never even been outside Asia, and yet there are still China, India and the Middle East; Americas, Europe, and Africa! I want to do volunteer work help out our fellow Filipinos; try to be a teacher at least once in my life; and maybe find a little more about passions and true love.

I know that having an exceptional start of the year with a good out look like this doesn’t come often; but this won’t stop me from looking for adventures to take on every now and then.


  1. Let's plan a trip together. You're a true adventurer. I was meant to meet you.

    - Your avid stalker

  2. hello candie! im going to add you to my blog roll :) and congratulations for your new role in life! im looking forward to reading about your experiences and travels... :D i love your job!
