My friend Shasha organized a just-because-it’s-Saturday party at Linden Suites in Ortigas last Saturday. I came early, just in time to help her organize the food and hog the Wii Rock Band drum set. Lol. Apparently, there were only 8 of us who were coming and yet the food was good for 20.
Party isn’t a party until there is alcohol, so Kelly, her husband, and I went down to the convenience store to buy a thousand pesos worth of drinks. The night was fun with all silliness and catching up.
At around 10, drinking started to get heavier and Kelly said he has a card game prepared. It was a drinking game! I love drinking games! It’s fun to be silly and blame it on the alcohol.
I want to share how ridiculously funny the game is and how we played it:
So you get a deck of cards, lay it on a table wrong side up of course. Then everyone gets a turn to pick a card in random, and each card has a corresponding consequence or rule.
A – I’ve never card
You have to finish the sentence “I’ve never” example, I’ve never been drunk before. So all those who’s been drunk before needs to take a shot! So when I got the card, I intentionally wanted 2 of the married guys to drink, so I said, “I’ve never asked anyone to marry me before!” hahaha
2 – 2 shot card
You should down a shot and give the other one to whomever you want.
3 – 3 shot card
You should down a shot and give the other two to whomever you want.
4 – Category Game
The person who got the card can start a Category and each person in the game has to say a word related to it. Say, Jeans! Levis, Guess, 7, and the person who can’t think of anything within 5 seconds has to drink.
5 – Moose card
Everyone has to put their thumb at their temple and wave all other 4 fingers, like so...

the last one to do this has to drink a shot, of course.
6 – Shut up Card
One has to shut up in the duration of the game until the next 6 card is drawn! Haha. A sound is equivalent to a shot.
7 – 7 and divisible by 7 card
The game starts at 1 and goes around, but anyone who says any number with the number 7 or is divisible by 7 has to drink a shot. The next time another 7 card is drawn, pick up where you left off. Stupid mistake I made, at 69, I knew 70 was divisible by 7 and so I shouted loud and proud “71!” HAHAHA
8 – Mixed-drink card
Whoever gets this card has to drink whatever concoction their friends will mix for them, in Cheche’s case, I mixed beer, gin, peanuts, and avocado shake! Gross!
9 – Slave Card
You get to choose whomever you want to turn into your slave until the next 9 card is drawn. Get you a glass of water or whatever you please, master!
10 – Storytelling game
Each person has to say 1 word to start a story, the next one has to repeat the 1st word and add another one: Once, Once upon, Once upon a, Once upon a time... so on and so forth. Whoever forgets a word or adds more than 1 word to the story, has to drink a shot!
J – Reverse I’ve never card
Same rules but if I say, “I’ve never been drunk before,” then those who’s never been drunk before has to drink. LOL
Q – Toilet Pass
This is the only time you can go to the toilet.
K – Rule Card
You can make whatever rule you want in the game. Neil made us dance the whole time we were playing. We were only allowed to stop until someone else draws a King card and make a new rule.

Try this at any party and for sure it will be a hit!