It was a Monday night, I was bound for Banawe to go boxing at Sarreal when suddenly the lazy wind blew in my direction, it was also kind of a sad day that time, so I called on a friend to hang out instead. I have been texting with Ronnie for such a long time wanting to meet and catch up so I took the opportunity and went directly to his house and fetched him. It was actually more like an ambush rather than an invitation, haha.
So Ronnie and I headed to Starbucks to just hang out and chat, he started telling me about his work and everything else that comes into mind. Ronnie is one of those people that I just click with, and seem to have tons of things to talk about, conjuring conversations out of thin air.
As we were hanging out, I saw a friend of mine from kindergarten, Cherry. We said our hi's and hello's as she went back to her table. She walked passed our table again and I started a conversation with her. Apparently, she was at Starbucks with her dad (w/ business partners), talking about things that would not keep her in her seat. So I asked her to sit at our table until her dad's done with his meeting, and so she did.
I have not talked to Cherry in probably 10 years, we've always just acknowledged each other but never really gotten to talk or become real friends. I was so surprised to find out that we have so much in common, and that we share alot of same opinions. Talking to her for the first time was like talking to a long lost friend.
Cherry-Ronnie-Ronnie-Cherry. That was it. That was my purpose that night, why the lazy wind blew into my direction. It was mere Destiny as i believe, why Cherry's dad decided to tag her along to a really boring business meeting; why Ronnie was so available that night, i don't know.

There is a saying in Chinese about Destiny that I really love, "With Destiny, you'll meet inspite of being a thousand miles apart; without Destiny, you may be face-to-face but you'll never get to know each other."
There it is. Although I am not a firm believer of Love-at-First-Sight, 'cuz it's never happened to me, but I think that's what happened to Ronnie. When the night ended, he asked me for her number and they just started texting each other.
I am also a non-believer of long courtships, I believe in the simplicity of "me Tarzan, you Jane" sort of thing. Yes, the flirting in between IS fun (and may just be the funnest part), but if you're both looking for a serious relationship, I think, there is no sense in waiting.
After all these events I have organized, we've never gotten to know the feeling of being a matchmaker. Now I know, and it is one of the amazing things that I've gotten to see; how I was used as a tool by LOVE haha (i'm not cynical, see?) to make 2 strangers meet, who would both otherwise walk their own direction in life and not know each other; OR I might just be giving myself too much credit, that they'd probably meet each other one way or another haha. But I'm glad I was part of it.